A problem that we have to face frequently is food sticking down to the pan. One of the most basic things to note is to have a very hot, properly oiled frying pan. Reading further and following the tips is really going to be beneficial for you in solving this issue.
If you are an amateur in cooking or have been cooking for quite some time, then you must be knowing that every dish preparation requires a different amount of time to master at. Every recipe has a distinguishable combination of ingredients and a particular way of cooking. For example, for some people cooking fish can be a tough task because it's tender, there is a chance of overcooking and also sometimes expensive. It is best advised to use a fat that has a high smoke point, such as avocado or canola oil, when cooking fish on stove top.Kate McCue, director of the school of recreational cooking at the Institute of Culinary Education says that "sautéing requires a small amount of fat, just enough to lightly coat the pan with the oil".
We know that when food is sticking to the pan, it will be very hard to take the dish out. When you try to scrape it away from the pan, the remaining dish beaks or gets burnt.Like any other activity, practicing and experimenting can make you better at cooking too.
It is not a single reason that is the cause of sticky pan, there are numerous reasons.Let's go step by step, the following are the tricks to avoid this trouble while cooking.
Always try to cook on low heat
Stainless steel is an excellent conductor of heat. The benefit of cooking on low heat is that food does not stick onto stainless steel when cooked on low heat. The problem with using the highest temperature on the stove is that you risk burning of food.
Preheating of pan and oil
You should follow a sequential procedure here. First preheat the pan alone, then add oil and heat properly. Food will cook precisely in a sufficiently warmed and oiled pan without sticking.
Make the surface moist
The food will not stick when the surface is moist enough For this, you would need to heat a pan and grease it. Then close the gas and pour cold water on the pan. Grease it again and pour the batter, oil it a bit and cook
Add water
To prevent food from sticking, pour a few drops of water into a stainless-steel pan over high heat. The temperature is almost accurate if the drops sizzle and slide onto the pan. Next, reduce the heat to a low setting and pour your food into the pan. We can also notice that, if the drops dissolve, the pan is not hot enough.
Keep Stirring
This trick is simple and effective. It is very important to note that a wooden spoon should be used rather than a metal one.
What is the problem with using a metal spoon? When we stir with a metal spoon in a metal or non-stick pot,it causes the bottom surface to erode even more. So,it is better to stir with a wooden spoon at proper intervals to prevent the food from sticking to the bottom.
Quality of fish and meat is also very important for proper cooking. You can buy premium quality fresh fish and seafood from NDFresh online and we deliver at your doorsteps. All our meat and fish products are from top quality sources and highly curated by our experts. Moreover they are hygienically vacuum packed and neatly labelled so that you can consume without a doubt .